


Posted by Jennifer Small on Oct 22 2023 at 04:04PM PDT

The season officially starts for our high school girls tomorrow! I just wanted to reach out with a short list of items that anyone might need to know as we get things started at FCHS! Please take a moment to read:

1. Due to the FRST meet this weekend, the team room will be set up for and ready with snacks and cold breakfast items Tuesday after practice. Our first HOT BREAKFAST service is on Tuesday, October 24! Thank you to those sweet souls who are conquering this first breakfast service. Please remember we NEED at least 2 parents (moms, dads, grandparents, older siblings) to stay to help serve and clean up. The athletes will love seeing your faces Tuesday morning. Set up in the hospitality/team room at 6:45 am. Athletes should be ready to eat at 7:00 am.

2. Please turn in money and forms ASAP! One of us will be in the hospitality room on Monday and Tuesday evenings from 4:30-5:45 pm. We can collect money and forms. Your son/daughter can also put any clearly labeled forms/money in the lockbox in the TEAM ROOM. I check that regularly.

3. The REQUIRED athlete apparel store is now live. This store will close on Oct. 31 at 11:59pm. The parent/fan store will close on Oct. 27.

4. If you prefer to complete most forms online, you can sign your athlete up at Dont forget to switch user.

5. Finally, I sent out October/November’s hot breakfast sign-up calendar! Some spots for the hot breakfast service are already filled! Thank you! Please remember that we are asking…possibly begging… for each family to sign up for AT LEAST 3 breakfast services this season. Many hands make for light work! Let’s all pitch in and make this a great season for our hard-working athletes!

Reach out with questions!
Debbie, Jodi, Jenny, and Jennifer

Again, I apologize if you are getting duplicate emails, I am still trying to get everyone loaded on TeamPages and TeamSnap.


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