

Last Minute Reminders For All Things Swim and Dive

Posted by Franklin Community Swimming & Diving on Nov 05 2021 at 11:55AM PDT in 2021-22 Campaign

This is just a final reminder about the two clothing stores that are open right now for athletes and family. The apparel store will close TOMORROW, Nov 6. (Even though the store says it closes on Nov. 4). Remember this is where you purchase required apparel. Here is the link.

Apparel Store Link

The Spirit Store is open until Nov. 12! It will ship right to you home has well as earn money for our team! Please take a look and purchase a few items if you can! They make great Christmas presents! Here is the link!

Spirit Store Link

Random Reminders For All
1. I am so thankful for all who have signed up to bring food or set up for the traditional Thanksgiving Breakfast! If you have never experienced one, you don’t want to miss it!

2. I am still in need of 2 concession stand workers for the meet on Nov. 30. Can you help out?

3. December hot breakfast sign-ups will come out very soon. We need everyone’s help. Sharing the workload is only fair! If your work schedule does not allow you to serve hot breakfast, please reach out to me. I have ways you can fulfill your required 3 services even with a tricky work schedule. We are serving around 35-40 athletes who may be hungry enough to eat like 60 athletes after morning practice!

4. The Boys Season starts on MONDAY!! If you have not returned your expense sheet, warm-up form, or fees- please do so ASAP! This is for BOTH MALE and FEMALE athletes. I would like to have all checks and money deposited by the end of next week. Deadline is Nov. 12 for forms and payment. The Chicago’s Pizza cards will only be available until Nov. 10.

5. The boys will be sizing for suits on Nov. 11. They MUST stop by and see me on deck to try on a suit since they are a new brand (TYR) this year.


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